суббота, 5 сентября 2015 г.

Art galleries evening

Yesterday we visited Metanoïa gallery near Les Halles. 

After the afternoon spent among the dead, it was nice to see some people who try to be more alive than the rest of us and leave their "handprints" in the eternity :). The artists.

On the way we passed a small cafe where we celebrated my 40th birthday. So I used a chance to take a pic of it.

The gallery was small, but nice. There were some interesting works. One artist used an interesting technique. She used some metal sheets, then oxidized them to create certain patterns. Another put on canvas several layers of paint from lighter to darker shade, then scratched or washed away upper layers to create lanscape-like images. 
I didn't take pics in that gallery, since I wasn't sure it was ok to take them, so I can only post here paintings of Vallerie Eguchi, the artist I am Facebook friends with.

These are her works in a Japanese technique called Nihonga. She uses some expensive mineral pigments that she orders from Japan and anymal glue, and she mixes the picments with her hands.

After this gallery we passed by another one and decided to have a look at it as well.

This is some crazy French guy that ruined my pic :).

This one is very actual :)

Whimsical. But I guess I know some women like that :).

Despite that one encouraging people to buy art, I bought there a T-shirt there. Well, I guess that's also art, but wearable art :). Nice T-shirt, isn't it :)? And now I can be excused for my poor French, well, my near-zero French :). 

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